Saturday, February 27, 2010


First off, I finished the scraf for the contest. Thanks to my model...he looks so impressed doesn't he? LOL....I am not really liking it at kinda reminds me of the paper chains we used to make in school? Well it is done now so I guess I will hand it in.

HAPPY MAIL! I got this little knitted heart (in favourite colour) and a nice card to boot! I love getting happy mail! Thanks Rosa!
Just a little side note: My youngest daughter and her boyfriend just bought a house too! Both my girls now homeowners!!!! Boy did I raise some smart girls! I am really starting to feel "old" now which I don't understand because I still feel 16! I am just trapped in this body of mine! (knock, knock...someone get me out of here!). Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Until next time xxooDebbie

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Random Facts Wednesday

I can't believe it is Wednesday already!

1. I hate wearing socks. As soon as the nice weather comes, the socks come off until October if I can get away with it.
2. My #1 destination to go to is Australia. I have wanted to go since I was about 10 years old!
3. I love fonts...I could look at different fonts for hours.
4. I have a journal obsession...I have so many journals, diaries, etc.
5. I cannot sew at all...I can barely sew on a button. My mother and grandmother used to make their own clothes as well as clothes for me. I guess that gene wasn't passed down to me?

Doodle Share: I really can't take credit for this idea. I was blog hopping and saw a little doodle of this idea. For the life of me I can't remember the blog name to give props but will if I can remember. Anway...I put my own spin on it, and I really like how it turned out! I hope everyone is having a great week!
Until next time xxooDebbie

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday Weigh-In

Okay so I am now back to square one! I am back to my starting weight in January! Up 2.5 pounds! It was bound to happen I suppose. So what I have decided to do is dust off the cobwebs off my recumbent bike and everyday I am going to log how many miles I bike. I will log how many miles every Monday weigh-in and hopefully by adding some exercise it will help!

I so want the nice weather to come!!! I am so sick of winter :( As I am writing this blog entry it is snowing outside and apparently we are in for a big storm. My neighbor and I have decided to go walking everyday once the weather gets nicer. Maybe having a "buddy system" will help? Come on spring!!!!
Until next time xxooDebbie

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Random Facts Wednesday

Random Facts:

1. I do not like wine...interestingly enough I do like champagne.
2. I took an aromatherapy course once, I love scents!
3. I have moved 25+ times in my life.
4. Potato chips (or anything salty) is my downfall. I could eat a bag of chips every night if they didn't make you gain weight.
5. I am addicted to rubber stamps.

My name is Debbie and I am a stampaholic. The following pictures are not for the faint of heart.

These are my bella stamps. I have so many that they all don't fit in the binder anymore and I have had to start putting them on my stamping wall.

More stamps...all of the tins on the left hand side are full of stamps!

and more stamps....

yes you guessed it...even more stamps....

my wall of stamps....

all of the CD cases are full of stamps...the basket is full of stamps....

The Angel Company stamps....

Oh and let's not forget Stampin' Up stamps....
Yes I know I have a problem...the first step is admitting you have a problem...LOL!!! I think I need a bigger house???
Until next time xxooDebbie

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Monday Weigh In

Yes I know it is Tuesday...I am late with Monday Weigh In again! It was a busy weekend. Saturday we had our double date which was great! The food was delicious, movie was good (Valentine's Day). We became friends with a couple from the campground and once a month since November we have been doing the double date, dinner and a movie, and out for drinks. I look forward to it every month! Valentine's day dinner was delicious too and of course yesterday was Family Day so I didn't do much of anything. I did manage to weigh myself yesterday and Whoot Whoot I am down 1/2 pound again! How I managed with all the fattening food over the weekend is beyond me but I will take it!

So I have joined The Great Granny Square Swap over at Hoot-n-Annie and I am so excited to get started on the squares (all 22 of them). I am just trying to decide what kind of square to make? I think I might make the flower one that I posted last week or so?

I mailed out my Happy Mail card last week and I am gathering up stuff for my goody box to send out this week. I am so looking forward to getting some happy mail!!!
I hope everyone had a great Valentine's weekend!
Until next time xxooDebbie

Friday, February 12, 2010



I have been seeing all these blogs about how couples met. Well seeing Mark and I are a little unconventional, I thought I would leave that for another post, maybe an anniversary post or something. I will however list 5 things I love about my husband...

1. I love that my husband puts my needs before his.
2. I love how my husband writes me a little love note every morning before he leaves for work...every day now for almost 23 years!!!
3. I love that my husband phones me from work every day to tell me he loves me.
4. I love that my husband walks through the door at the end of the day and the first thing he does is kiss me hello.
5. I love that my husband tells me the only reason he was put on this earth was to make me happy! (true story!)

Oh and I was so inspired this morning over Valentine's day, this is my #2 challenge for granny square of the week...yes I know it is a heart but it still counts!

What are everyone's plans for this Valentine's weekend? Mark and I are going on a double date tomorrow night, out for dinner and to go see Valentine's Day the movie. Then on Sunday, OMG Mark actually phoned a restaurant a few weeks back and made reservations! Blew my mind. So we will be going out for dinner on Sunday as well. I can just imagine Monday Weigh In?? YIKES!
I hope everyone has a filled weekend!
Until next time xxooDebbie

Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's Official!!!!

Okay I have finally done it! I opened my etsy store. Please bear with me and remember that it is still a work in progress. I will be adding things more and more but for now there are a few things there? Yah! I also had my first sale yesterday! Whoot Whoot! Also, if there has been anything that I have done that you might like to see in the store, let me know? Spread the word!!! LOL...
Hope everyone is having a great day!
Until next time xxooDebbie

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Random Facts Wednesday!

First off, I think I have an idea for the knitting contest? Please give me your feedback and let me know what you think? Seeing how the colors she picked are inspired from the Olympics, the first thing I think of when I think of the Olympic colors are the rings. I thought if I crocheted some rings together and made a scarf out of them? Below is obviously not the colors but just a sample of what it might look like? Still not 100% sure?

Random Facts Wednesday:
1. I am a list person. I have to make a list for everything! Every morning I make a "to-do list".

2. I am petrified to drive in the snow? One flake and I freak out. I used to drive in the snow all the time. I actually got my licence on the first snow fall of the year way back when. I do not know where this fear has come from?

3. I have an obsession with cookbooks.

4. I love Fresca. It is the only pop I drink!

5. I would love to have my own line of rubber stamps. I think my little drawings would make cute stamps?
Now that I have blogged today, I guess I can check one thing off my "to-do list" today...LOL!
Hope everyone has a great "hump day".
Until next time xxooDebbie

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I love watermelon!

In the hopes that the nicer weather comes soon, I made a watermelon scarf...the picture doesn't really do it justice but if you look closely I actually crocheted beads on as the little seeds...I got the pattern from

I am so excited that Ashley made me a blog button....look to the left! Isn't it the cutest thing ever.....Thanks so much Ashley, I really appreciate it!!!!

Has anyone come up with an idea for the knitting contest yet? I am drawing a blank!!!!
Hope everyone has a great day!
Until next time xxoo Debbie

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday Weigh-In

Monday Weigh-In
I am beginning to sound like a broken record! I stayed the same yet again! I am really gonna have to get off my butt and put some exercise into this or summer will be here and I will still be the same weight!

On a brighter note! Mark got called back to Hydro One and he starts on Thursday!!!! Yipppeee! He is soooooooooo happy!

I went to the local yarn store on Saturday and they had the kits for the 2nd annual yarn competition. I entered last year and I think there was 8 colours in the kit? I made an i-pod holder. I didn't win but I had fun anyway. The entires were amazing! This year there are 5 colours inspired by the Olympic colours and I have no clue what to make??? The rules basically state that you have to use all 5 colours in your project. It could be knitted, crochet, whatever you want?? I think she said there is an equivalent to 2.5 balls there but you can buy more if you need more in your project? Any suggestions on what to make??

I hope everyone had a great weekend? Any exciting plans for Valentine's Day?
Until next time xxoo Debbie

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Too Cute!

Well I was reading Elsie's blog this morning, and there was a tutorial on how to make this owl i-pod of course, you know what I was doing this morning! hehehehe... I think she is kinda cute! In the tutorial you have to sew on a piece of felt to the back, but my sewing skills leave something to be desired (as you can see I did not take a picture of the so I think if I make another one, I will just crochet the back as well! I guess I better try and get some work done today! I hope everyone is having a great day!

Until next time xxooDebbie

Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday Weigh-In, Random Facts Wednesday, Square a week, Man I am behind!

Okay I apologize for being so late on my post! The boys have been home from exams and I have been so busy working! I have agreed to cover Team Lead for my work on Mondays and Tuesdays and it is time consuming. I don't have a lot of "me time" on those days. I guess I have some catching up to do!!

Well I am down a pound! whoot whoot! Mark's Christmas Party sucked! It certainly wasn't what it used to be...there wasn't much food to choose from so I guess that was a blessing for me..LOL...okay so for the month of January I am down 2 pounds...certainly not what I was expecting but looking back, I don't think I really put 100% effort into it. So now we are on to a new month and new beginnings. I have to try and stay focused and try to fit some exercise into my schedule!

RANDOM FACTS WEDNESDAY (In honor of February month I am going to list things that I love)

1. I love seafood...lobster, shrimp, crab, etc. I always have to go to Red Lobster for my bday!

2. I love Spring...I love to see the first sign of the tulips popping their heads out of their beds! (come on spring!!)

3. I love going for drives with my hubby!

4. I love markers! I am drawn towards them like a moth to a flame...when we are in a store, I can hear them calling my name!

5. I love Friday family movie night! On Friday's we go rent a movie or two and we all sit and watch it together!

I bought a book at Michaels with 101 different crochet squares. As much as I am enjoying this new craft, I am really not that good at it...I know the basic stitches to get by but I thought I would challenge myself by doing a different square each week and posting it! Last night I only had to rip this one out once! hehehe...I am really pleased with how it turned out! I think it would make such a pretty afgan! I have seen on other blogs where people string these squares up as cute would that be? I hope everyone is having a great week!
Until next time xxooDebbie