Monday, November 29, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Well I am still here, just been busy, busy, busy! I don't really know if anyone is still reading my blog or not, especially with all the 0 comments over the last few posts but anyway, I am back and hopefully somebody is reading this...hehehehe.

When I was a kid November and December were the longest months ever! I cannot believe it is almost December! I haven't even started my Christmas shopping yet?

Here is a little update of what has been going on:
Dillon graduated in October!! Yah Dillon...Congratulations!
Mark turned 50, Mallory 25 and Tiffany 22!! Crazy with birthdays this month!

We went to pick out our tree this weekend.

I participated in a craft sale. This is one of the 4 tables I had set up. I really did well and sold almost all my scarves. I got an order for 6 more cupcake scarves so I am busy crocheting them up as well.
Pictures are out of order a this is the final decision on the tree!
82 more days until we leave for Florida!!!
Well hopefully I am somewhat caught up and I will be back to the blogging world.
Until next time xxooDebbie