Monday, December 13, 2010

12 More Days!!!

12 More Days until Christmas?? wow!! I haven't even bought any gifts yet...(well a couple here and there). We are taking Thursday off and going shopping. I am not coming home until I am done!! LOL!
I am trying to get into the spirit. We went to our friends house on Saturday for dinner along with another couple from the campground so I made a couple of cards for them. (Taken from my cell phone so the quality isn't that great!)
After dinner we all went for a walk around the corner from my friend's house. OMG I have never ever seen anything like this in my life!!!! These two houses kinda put Clarke Griswold to shame wouldn't you think? I can't imagine their hydro bill???
Yes there is a house behind there somewhere? It's kinda like find Waldo...but find the house?

You can't really see it but out the front somewhere, there is a train set going around and around and a digital countdown until Christmas. It was unbelieveable!!! Apparently these two houses are in competition with each other every year and every year more and more stuff gets put out! If that doesn't put you in the Christmas spirit, I don't know what would?? LOL!
I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Until next time xxooDebbie


  1. Too funny! I'd hate to see what their electric bills are!!! haha!
    Love your cards! Good luck shopping! After this weekend, I decided that shopping online was best for me, lol.
    Have a great Monday! xoxo

  2. Oh my gosh that is a lot of lights. Can you imagine their bill?
