Okay I apologize for being so late on my post! The boys have been home from exams and I have been so busy working! I have agreed to cover Team Lead for my work on Mondays and Tuesdays and it is time consuming. I don't have a lot of "me time" on those days. I guess I have some catching up to do!!
MONDAY WEIGH-INWell I am down a pound! whoot whoot! Mark's Christmas Party sucked! It certainly wasn't what it used to be...there wasn't much food to choose from so I guess that was a blessing for me..LOL...okay so for the month of January I am down 2 pounds...certainly not what I was expecting but looking back, I don't think I really put 100% effort into it. So now we are on to a new month and new beginnings. I have to try and stay focused and try to fit some exercise into my schedule!
RANDOM FACTS WEDNESDAY (In honor of February
♥ month I am going to list things that I love)
1. I love seafood...lobster, shrimp, crab, etc. I always have to go to Red Lobster for my bday!
2. I love Spring...I love to see the first sign of the tulips popping their heads out of their beds! (come on spring!!)
3. I love going for drives with my hubby!
4. I love markers! I am drawn towards them like a moth to a flame...when we are in a store, I can hear them calling my name!
5. I love Friday family movie night! On Friday's we go rent a movie or two and we all sit and watch it together!

I bought a book at Michaels with 101 different crochet squares. As much as I am enjoying this new craft, I am really not that good at it...I know the basic stitches to get by but I thought I would challenge myself by doing a different square each week and posting it! Last night I only had to rip this one out once! hehehe...I am really pleased with how it turned out! I think it would make such a pretty afgan! I have seen on other blogs where people string these squares up as garland....hmmm...how cute would that be? I hope everyone is having a great week!
Until next time